Thank you so much for your interest in yoga and related services with me. A few things you might like to know.
Sharing in any capacity during yoga classes, retreats or workshops is completely private information, and will always be held in strict confidentiality. From time to time, I refer to situations or students that I have encountered in my work, but always in such a way that the identity or details of the situation could not become known and remain anonymous.
In the digital realm, nothing is changing about how any information you provide is stored or used. Any information on you for the purposes of providing services (yoga classes, retreats and workshops) is held in a secure environment and I will never sell, rent or loan this data to a third party.
My emails to you
If you have opted in to receive newsletters you might receive offers, updates, event invitations and more in addition to occasional emails regarding any bookings or purchases. I am mindful to not overfill your inbox and rarely send more than one email per month, often less.
As an independent teacher I value each student, and would love to continue to keep in touch with you. If you would prefer to no longer receive any updates, please email me saying you would like to unsubscribe. If you stay, you can of course unsubscribe at any time.
Thank you so much for your time
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